Title: Five Ways Sirius Responded When Remus Kissed Him In The Shrieking Shack Summary: Continuations of the first five drabbles in Five Ways Remus Kissed Sirius In The Shrieking Shack (Alternates), but they can all be read on their own. Warning: Slash, of course, though nothing graphic. They're all 100-word drabbles.
Title: Five Ways Remus Kissed Sirius In The Shrieking Shack (Alternates) Summary: Five ways (listed in a sort of rough chronology, though they are unconnected as far as storyline goes) that Remus kissed Sirius in the Shrieking Shack. Written as MWPP-era alternates for the first five drabbles of Five Ways Remus Kissed Sirius In The Shrieking
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Well, I've finally banged out a very, very, very short epilogue, so I can finally put this thing to rest. Not sure it was worth the wait, or worth doing, but now I at least have some closure, so yay me.